
Dominance (D): Lion

Dominance is often associated with
strong, assertive, and results-oriented individuals.
The lion, being the king of the jungle, represents this trait. Lions are confident, bold, and take charge of situations.

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Influence (I): The Peacock

Influence relates to sociable, outgoing, and persuasive individuals. The peacock, with its vibrant plumage and ability to capture attention, symbolizes this personality style. Peacocks are often seen as showy and charming.

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Steadiness (S): The Turtle

Steadiness signifies
calm, patient, and cooperative individuals.
The turtle is used to represent this trait
because it moves at a
slow and steady pace, emphasizing
reliability and consistency.

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Conscientiousness (C): Owl

Conscientiousness is linked to detail-oriented, analytical, and organized individuals. The owl, known for its wisdom and precision, is a common symbol for this personality style. Owls are associated with thoughtfulness and a methodical approach to tasks.

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